
Leslie G. Desmangles

Catholic Commentary on Protestant Conversion in Rural Haiti

Paul E. Brodwin

Literacy for Development in Haiti: Implications for Families and Communities

Joan B. Cohen

People Development as the Primary Aim of Development Work

Bob Corbett

The Effects of the Cold War on U.S.-Haiti's Relations

Jean-Claude Gerlus

Policies of Protection: The Interdiction, Repatriation and Treatment of Haitian Refugees since the Coup d'Etat of September 1991

Jennie Smith

Manje in Haitian Culture: The Symbolic Significance of Manje in Haitian Culture

Alta Mae Stevens

When the Womb Waters Break: The Emergence of Haitian New Theatre (1953-1987)

VèVè A. Clark

Staging Folklore in Haiti: Historical Perspectives

Lois Wilcken

The Implications of Haitian Transnationalism for U.S.-Haiti Relations: Contradictions of the Deterritorialized Nation-State

Nina Glick Schiller